Friday, September 6, 2013

A Word on Metadata

Collect and store ALL THE DATA/SIGNALS!

With all of this NSA stuff going on recently, it may be a bit much to take in all at once. Let's take a moment and go way back to the week before PRISM broke. Let's go back to the Verizon story. Verizon was told to give the NSA "Metadata" of all the call records anyone made.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Denver International Airport

I dropped my phone one too many times.
Yet another kiosk exploration. My friend's flight was delayed about a year ago. So what is someone like me to do? EXPLORE. 
Just outside the "Denver Welcome/Info Area" or whatever it's called. I noticed a kiosk. What caught my eye first was the Internet Explorer 404 page.
I just couldn't resist. Please forgive the old blurry photos.